Greetings NLAA Bears family & friends, We have an amazing opportunity to participate in a fundraiser that will advance our 2019 seasons finance. "All we have to do is show up in large #s.# Ages 8 and up, (7) may pass as well, I will confirm Monday. I NEED all hands on deck. Many kids are on spring break, so the timing is perfect. Friday 5th, 2019 we will be going to Burbank studios for a taping of a new TV series. 1:30pm - 7:30pm (Free Trip) Football pro-bowler JJ Watt and his brothers host the ULTIMATE ATHLETE!!.
I need to know who is all in, with or without a BUS.
If bus is available reply.
"We in + how many?
If we carpool/ you drive reply
"Will drive + how many?

Example; We in (4)
Example; Will drive (4)

I need a number by Monday.....
(If we get a bus, you can send your athletes, it will be just like a field trip, but we will require 1 adult per 10 kids.) Everyone please dig deep. Thank you