Spirit of Northview Instrumental Music and Color Guard

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Last First Jersey Positions
Alvarado Alisa
Andaya Kobe
Andaya Kurt
Avila Robert
Bazavilvazo Jazmin
Becerra Brandon
Benitez David
Cabral Briana
Castillo Laney
Cervantes Allen
Cid Matthew
Davis Kaisle
De La Torre Mia
Del Valle Ranae
Dultz Tyler
Estrada Jesse
Felix Emily
Fletes Reyna
Flores Vanessa
Gallardo Destiny
Gallardo Jasmine
Garcia Krista
Hernandez Jack
LeCaine Michael
LeCaine - Valdivia Shelly
Leiva Jazmine
Lettman Vianey
Licon Katherine
Lopez Nicholas
Macasaet Jason
Matos Jesenia
Melendez George
Morales Leana
Moreno Michael
Niz Jason
Owens Skye
Ramirez Samantha
Ramos Angel
Reyes Elisha
Rodriguez Alex
Romero Sydney
Romero Tammy
Samora Valerie
Sanchez Maritza
Santillan Samantha
Valdivia Hailey
Vasquez-Niles Conner
Vigueria Michelle
Villanueva Samantha