
Please make sure you have your 20 contacts in today this morning as we are launching the Blast fundraiser. Mobile/ Cell numbers are best. It's extremely important that we have everyone participate to make sure this fundraiser is successful.

We are currently sitting at 35% as a team (freshman) for contacts entered & 26% of the team has not entered a single contact. Looking at this from a grade standpoint it would land as an (F). We need to get to 85% (B) as a team (freshman) so please do your part and enter your contacts. I know this team can do it.

Simply click the Yellow Donate button / Get Sponsors to enter your 20 contacts

Sit with your parents and ask for help with creating a list of potential sponsors.

Good Contacts: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, family, family friends, neighbors, club/travel coaches & trainers

(Use Parent's Contacts) please add co-workers, wedding parties, college friends & family doctors

Go Bears!!!!!!