OneMaize Swim Meet 2/6/21

Location & Date


Maize South helps host the OneMaize swim meet with Maize at the NorthWest YMCA. There are two sessions and the Mavericks are in the early session. 10:00 am – Session 1 Maize South, Andover, Buhler, Collegiate, Independent 1:00 pm – Session 2 Maize, Andover Central, Valley Center, Trinity Academy, Classical School Unfortunately due to Covid19 restrictions, NO spectators are allowed. Our Seniors, Eli Stucky, Skyler Snow, Aiden Turner, and Manager Christina Wagner who were unavailable in December, will be honored at this meet. We have many opportunities to volunteer, which gets you on deck and in on the action. Please help us make this meet a success! Here's the link to sign up: There will be no bus transportation provided, as we are hosting the meet. Please note, masks are mandatory for anyone inside the YMCA. The meet will be live streamed for both sessions: NFHS Network
