Event MVP


Co-MVP This young lady is much too hard on herself. She was disappointed with her performance, but the reality is that she kicked some major koomdingy tonight. First indoor meet ever and she had a 3rd place finish in both the 60 meters and 200m with a time of 8.24 and 27.23 respectively. Her 60m and 200m are new Spike Up Athletics club indoor records. Way to go queen Paiton!

Tyler Bird
Co-MVP Rumble young man rumble!!! The bad…this young man is uncoordinated at some things (sorry Tyler, but this is truth) and is growing into his body. The good…he’s only a freshman and running some really notable times. Tyler also rocked it in the 60m and 200m tonight running 7.60 and 24.31 respectively, with the 24.31 being a new personal record and Spike Up Athletics indoor record. Keep elevating your game and honing your crafts young king! You are on your way to greatness! Proud of you!