St. Ignace , MI — The team came home in 2nd place with only 9 scoring wrestlers. Grand Rapids Christian won the tournament with 142 points with 13 scoring wrestlers. We had 127 points with 9 scoring wrestlers. Cole was 3-0 with 3 pins for 1st place. Logan was 3-0 with 2 pins for 1st place. Alex was 1-1 for 2nd place. Bubba was 1-1 with 1 pin for 2nd place. Braiden was 2-1 with 2 pins for 2nd place. Danny was 3-1 with 3 pins for 3rd place. Tucker was 4-1 with 4 pins for 3rd place. Mandy was 1-2 for 4th place. Ryan was 2-2 for 4th place.