., MI — Aimme Cardoso Senior, Midfielder Aimme Cardoso has been a soccer player since she was little. Aimme says soccer started for her as something for fun and then she joined the high school team her freshman year. Aimme has been a part of our program for 3 years. Aimme has played about every position on the field during her senior season, including outside defense, outside midfield, and all of the center midfield spots. How has the game of soccer impacted your life? “I have fun doing stuff I enjoy, I guess you could say soccer is a form of zen to me.” What is your favorite thing about being involved with soccer? “I like that we can have fun as a team and also take soccer seriously. Soccer is a sport in which you are supposed to have fun but sometimes we tend to forget that once we are in we are committed to the team and must work together. I enjoy scrimmages, they get very competitive and fun, not taking anything personal.” What other school activities are you involved in besides soccer? “ICC advisory and was a part of the powerlifting team in the past.” Share a fun fact or two about yourself. “I am a very family-oriented person who would cancel anything for a family get-together. I also enjoy binge-watching shows.” Coaches quote about Aimme: “Aimme is someone that catches a lot of people off guard out on the soccer field. Aimme is a competitor and one of the more aggressive players we have in our program. She’s not afraid of contact and will fight like mad to win a ball from the other team. She has a motor that just keeps on going and going at the same steady pace at all times. Aimme brings a sense of consistency and a sense of family to our program. You can see joy on her face every time she steps onto a soccer field and that type of joy has been something that we have all enjoyed and appreciated about Aimme in the past 4 years.”