Dear PVSC families,

We hope that this update finds you well, healthy and safe. We know these are uncertain times and all of us are facing our own battles in finding a new routine. We hope that the children are settling into a new normal finding new successes from distance learning. It has now been 3 weeks without soccer and we all miss it. Our coaches and Board members have been meeting (virtually) to discuss how we can continue to provide valued instruction while keeping the teams engaged and having fun. As per our previous communication, for the month of April the club has deferred any scheduled payments from a payment plan to the end of the contract, extending to one additional month in October.
We have decided to implement virtual training sessions for our teams during the month of April.
- Your coach will be reaching out to you to set up a virtual “check in” sometime during the week of April 6th. This will be a Zoom meeting to get reacquainted and to discuss what “training” will look like for the remaining three weeks in April.
- Starting the week of April 13th each team will have one virtual training a week.
- The Directors of Coaching will be running a skills clinic each Friday as well, making that a second training session available for your athlete.

These two training sessions are highly recommended to ensure we are all staying physically fit while we wait to be granted permission back on our fields. We do not know what May will look like and we ask that you be patient with us while we try to do what is best for your family and our club during this time. We do not know the end date of these restrictions and hope that we can continue to maintain our motto: Pride, Valor, Strength and Commitment during this time. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected]. We look forward to “seeing” your athletes this week.


PVSC Board and Coaches