Hi everyone we try to do one or two fundraisers a month to help with cost. If you know of any good fundraisers let us know.

Valentine's See’s candy orders are due tomorrow or Wednesday please at the latest. We will also be selling See candy at the vista farmers market 2/10 if anyone is interested it will be 7:00am-noon

We are also trying to get into the Oceanside street fair in Thursday's to sell. Waiting to hear back from them.

🏈🐾We also have Super bowl squares you can sell to family and friends. $10.00 or $20.00 a Square up to you and you could raise $500 or $1000.00 for your cheerleader

Applebees fundraiser is 2/17 7:30-10:00am

This fundraiser the girls wear their VPW shirts and they will be the hostess and waitress at this event. It a fun event. Invite your friends and family. If your interest please let us know. We would like everyone to please sell 5 or more tickets if you can .

Blast fundraiser is also great you just enter 20 contacts or more on here under fundraiser and they send do everything for you send them a email or text . We have had participants raise $2000.00 before it’s great and easy.

If you have any questions please let us know