Huntington Beach, CA — Calm winds, warm breezes right off the ocean, but not so smooth sailing on the courts. Only one player managed to win more than one set: MVP of the day, Marco Belciano, who won all 3 sets played. Marco went tie-breaker with their best player, who started at #2. Mikey Junge beat that guy too, 6-5 in the opening round. Sam Gou lost 2 tie-breakers today šŸ˜±, but beat the guy who started at line one, 6-0 in the 2nd round. Nick Barrios filled in for Mikey in the 3rd round after playing 3 sets of singles, thank you! Lucas Johnson finished up with a tie break win in a final set of singles as Esteban needed to step aside with a bad rugby leg. Doubles got slimed by the Oilers, not taking a single set. Got some work to do before we get to Trinity League! Next up: Thursday, March 3rd at Crean Lutheran, 3pm.