Game MVP


Nicholas Henriquez , Returning back from last years Super Bowl season once again displaying that great quarterbacking that took his team to the Super Bowl last year Looks even sharper this year along with his dual play offense/defense helps the seahawks become the powerhouse that they are!!!!

Koby Hildebrandt
First year player Koby Hildebrandt put on a performance that shows he can definitely be a star player in this league . Speed, agility, and a great pair of hands all displayed in game one, If he keeps this up Coach Troy/Matt's team Could be repeating another Super Bowl appearance this year!!!!
James Moore
Another Surprise player in his 1st year ever, James displayed a quick learning process to go along with his flight of foot speed. As the seahawks play more I see the whole team ending up being great as all the new players come along and find their niche.
Nico Terada
Nico terada, What can you say, He's a small guy but he plays defense With the biggest heart on the field No one knows how he does it but every time you look around hes got that tackle flag in his hand He actually plays Like hes 10' tall, with Nicholas, they are defenders to watch out for!!!!!!