Newberg, OR — I am so impressed! I felt like today was one of our best games! Just so we are clear, that last corner kick by the other team did not go in the goal. I did confirm that with the ref because I wasn't sure and he blew the whistle ending the game so quickly. I wanted to make sure I posted the score correctly! As you can probably tell, I switched up a lot of positions today! We had several girls who have never played offense this year, move up to offense and several girls who always play offense, move back to play defense. We had Laylah in the goal today, after not playing goalie for several games I might add, and she rocked it! The girls who were put on offense, brought it 100%! They were aggressive, they made excellent passing decisions to each other! They worked well playing wide on the field and dribbling it up the sides and then crossing it to the center allowing us to absolutely dominate the other teams goal!! I would say we were monopolizing their goal 90% of the game ! At this level, that is everything! That allowed me to have our defensive players move up closer and become more engaged in the game because the other team could not take the ball away from us. We dominated all of our 1 V1 situations with skills and speed ! I'm sure you noticed, the other teams idea of playing soccer was every time they got control of the ball they kicked it out of bounds. That is a terrible thing to teach kids at this age. Unless you're in a diehard situation and have no other options. Our girls almost never kick the ball out of bounds! I am so proud of how they get it, even right on the out of bounds line, while the pressure is being put on them and they use their skills to get out of the situation, win the ball and find somebody to pass to or dribble it up of the field themselves!! All of the girls had a great attitude, they were behind each other and playing like a team and playing like bosses !! πŸ’ͺ🏻 I'm going to type up my MVPs, however I wanted to award a third MVP today but because the weather was so horrible and people were scattering quickly, I kind of forgot. My apologies!! My third MVP of the day goes to Ella McLeod !! Ella absolutely rocked it today! She had several shots on the goal, she put enormous amounts of pressure on the offense. She also jumped in on defense for a short stretch and did an incredible job there, having never practiced it during the week ! She answered the call today and went out with confidence and aggressiveness and showed them a thing or two. Ella, I know you're going to make your goal before the end of the season, keep at it girl !! I will bring you some Harry Potter socks to practice on Tuesday ! πŸ˜‰ On a sidenote, after Gracie played her butt off today she threw up everywhere. 😩🀒She's got some type of bug. 😒 I can't even begin to express how proud I am of her and all of the girls for absolutely giving 100% today in this horrible weather. Thank you for supporting me and thank you for supporting your girls, it means the world to them, I'm sure ! Stay dry and enjoy the rest of your weekend, see you all on Tuesday at 5 PM !! Coach Hess