Game MVP

Kayla Lambert
Charter Oak Girls Varsity Soccer


Made some very key tackles and stops against the opponents top scorer, easily shutdown any of the opponents attacks that came her way. Consistently made the right decisions on the ball to help us keep possession. Great game!

Melody Orozco
1 Goal, 1 Assist - Always in the right place at the right time to intercept passes and make great tackles to win back possession. Then all the composure in the world to make key passes to start our counter attacks. Another great game from you Melody, well done!
#17 CFB, CM
Avery Zernickow
3 Goal, 1 Assist - What an amazing game! Put the opponent on their heels from her very first touch of the ball, finishing the FIRST HALF with a HAT TRICK and an ASSIST. Long overdue with the effort you've been putting in training, Excellent game today!
#11 SS, CFW, OM