Caro, MI — Cass City Red Hawks Varsity defeated Caro Varsity 6-3 thanks to a strong start. Cass City Red Hawks Varsity scored on a single by Jackson Anthony in the first inning and a groundout by Cohen Sherman in the second inning. In the bottom of the first inning, Cass City Red Hawks Varsity tied things up at one when Anthony singled on a 0-2 count, scoring one run. Cass City Red Hawks Varsity pulled away for good with one run in the second inning. In the second Sherman grounded out, scoring one run. Carson Anthes was on the mound for Cass City Red Hawks Varsity. Anthes surrendered two runs on three hits over five innings, striking out six. Booms was on the pitcher's mound for Caro Varsity. The bulldog allowed four hits and five runs over four innings, striking out six. Tuse threw two and a third innings in relief. Cole Lenhard went 2-for-2 at the plate to lead Cass City Red Hawks Varsity in hits. Booms led Caro Varsity with three hits in four at bats.