Bethlehem, PA — Easton Area Rovers JV defeated Freedom 8-2 on Tuesday after taking the lead late in the game. The game was tied at one with Easton Area Rovers JV batting in the top of the fifth when Brogan Pagotto singled on a 1-2 count, scoring one run. Easton Area Rovers JV secured the victory thanks to six runs in the seventh inning. The offensive onslaught by Easton Area Rovers JV was led by Anton Secero, Nicholas Chieffo, Chase Shollenberger, and A.J. Sonsini, all driving in runs in the frame. In the second inning, Easton Area Rovers JV got their offense started. Shollenberger hit a solo homer. In the bottom of the second inning, Freedom tied things up at one when Sweitzer grounded out, scoring one run. Zach Wagner got the win for Easton Area Rovers JV. Wagner went six and two-thirds innings, allowing two runs on three hits and striking out four.