Easton, PA — Wednesday's game against Bethlehem Catholic was a heartbreaker for Easton Area Rovers JV, as they lost the lead late in a 7-5 defeat. The game was tied at four with Bethlehem Catholic batting in the top of the seventh when Becahi scored three in the frame to take the lead. Zach Wagner was on the hill for Easton Area Rovers JV. Wagner took the no decision allowing two hits and four runs over three and a third innings, striking out four. Chase Shollenberger, and Chase Kinney each contributed in middle-inning relief for Easton. Anton Secero was the pitcher of recored in the seventh. Secero, A.J. Sonsini, Brendan Bowman, and Nolan Fuller each racked up multiple hits for Rovers JV. Unfortunately the JV Rovers weren't able to get enough hits with runners in scoring position to turn the tide.