Easton, PA — Easton Area Rovers JV easily dispatched West Chester East 14-1 on Thursday afternoon. The JV Rovers got on the board in the first inning. Harol Rodriguez hit a line drive that was caught, scoring one run. The Rovers JV notched seven runs in the third inning. The offensive onslaught by Easton was led by Anton Secero, Cole Ordway, Chase Shollenberger, Rodriguez, and Kurtis Crossman, all driving in runs in the inning. Secero got the win for Easton Area Rovers JV. The ace allowed three hits and one run over four innings, striking out two. Chase Kinney threw one inning in relief out of the bullpen. Easton Area Rovers JV collected 18 hits on the day. Ordway, Nolan Fuller, Secero, Rowan Galiotto, and Crossman each collected multiple hits for Easton Area Rovers JV. Easton Area Rovers JV was sure-handed in the field and didn't commit a single error. Fuller had the most chances in the field with three.