Apple Valley, MN — Burnsville Freshman Blaze watched the game slip away early and couldn't recover in a 19-6 loss to Eastview Freshman Lightning on Wednesday. Eastview Freshman Lightning scored on a walk by Devon Karl, a walk by Charlie Shadis, and a double by Beau McKenzie in the first inning. Burnsville Freshman Blaze collected six hits and Eastview Freshman Lightning had 12 in the high-scoring affair. Burnsville Freshman Blaze notched three runs in the fifth inning. Burnsville Freshman Blaze put the pressure on, lead by by Ryan Kennedy and an error on a ball put in play by Caleb Peters. Karl was on the hill for Eastview Freshman Lightning. The fireballer went five innings, allowing six runs on six hits and striking out ten. Sean Haws was on the pitcher's mound for Burnsville Freshman Blaze. Haws allowed six runs on one hit. Ryan Mercer, Cedric Boos, and Mattias Dehnert each contributed in relief for Burnsville Freshman Blaze. Peters led Burnsville Freshman Blaze with two hits in three at bats. Eastview Freshman Lightning saw the ball well today, racking up 12 hits in the game. McKenzie and Shadis all managed multiple hits for Eastview Freshman Lightning.