Game MVP


Neeka played a competitive singles set vs line 3 for a win, sandwiched in between tough chores vs line 2 and 1, which she didnt let discourage her!

Jazmine Aftabi
Jazmine played excellent tennis today vs lines 2 and 3 before falling to #1 team.
Ellie Gregor Orr
Ellie played excellent tennis today vs lines 2 and 3 before falling to #1 team.
Aerin Fraize
Aerin and Kylie dissected their competition today, following our doubles game plans perfectly.
Kylie Fraize
Kylie and Aerin dissected their competition today, following our doubles game plans perfectly.
Scarlett Vukich
Scarlett avenged a bad loss from last season, downing Eagles line 6-oh She demolished their sub, but, wouldv'e taken care of the real line 3 anyway.