Denver, CO — Football is the greatest team game for many reasons! On every play it takes 11 guys on the field, a focused coaching staff, and a sideline full of engaged players. If a team has 30 players, each one has an important part all week to make each game as successful as possible! Today our Lion cubs got an old fashioned, “Wood Shed” @$$ whooping and a true dose of reality.. This great game teaches us that if we don’t come out each day in practice and do our best to get better, there is another team that is! When a team changes the way they play based on the score, then they have only just begun to feel the magnitude of what a true blow out feels like! As good as we played vs Sierra, we played an uninspired, lack of passion, “ol poor pitiful me”, type of effort. Thus, the final score! But, unlike most, I truly appreciate the honesty of this wonderful game I use to teach young boys to become men. It doesn’t play politics, it has no feelings, and it doesn’t lie… We’ve got some work to do! #BuildingLions, LifesToughLessons, #IfItwaseasyAllWouldDoIT