Fairfield, CA — On Wednesday, 3/9 the Vanden JV Vikings were handed an ugly loss courtesy of the Cardinals from Laguna Creek High School(Elk Grove). The final score was 9-1. The loss puts the Vikings at an even 3-3 record for the season. The Cardinals scored 2 runs in the top of the 1st inning and never looked back. They would add 3 runs in the 3rd inning, 2 runs in the 4th inning, and 2 more runs in the 6th inning. Laguna Creek collected 12 hits as a team, and was gifted 7 base on balls by Vanden pitchers. Meanwhile, the Vikings were only able to get 3 hits of their own. They have had 4 hits or less in 4 of their 6 games on the season. The JV Vikings have their work cutout for them. They are not only struggling with the bats, but they also committed 9 errors on defense in this contest. That’s an absurd amount of errors. This beautiful game of baseball is not easy by any means. If it were, everyone would play and everyone would be good. But there is no sugar-coating this…we gotta be better!