REDLANDS, CA — "Off the schneid" is an American expression that means to break a scoreless streak. It is derived from the card game gin rummy, where schneid or schneider refers to the situation where one side has failed to score.] "We never 'failed to score, or we would not have made the championship match three previous times" says, KOach Kirk. "I was beginning to feel like the Jim Kelly of the OC, three times a charm didn't pan out either and our 1st championship loss was also the day before our banquet. Now I feel like the Miami Dolphins of the OC!" KOach added, "I really didn't know how good we were until the end of the 2nd round of the championship match. I mentioned that several times throughout the season and it was the truth." ROUND 1: JSerra picks up only 3 sets for a tie, BUT the energy from the double's teams starting at lines 2 and 3 pole vaulted us onto the victor's podium! Brentwood place their top two players together in doubles at line 2; Marco and Cade's stand was like the Alamo! Sandwiched between this doubles and Geffrey and Connor's were our frenzied crowd! Mike and Connor were down badly but recovered to take a lead only to fall short in a lengthy tiebreaker..... Round 2: ...Their momentum took them right over to the court (where Marco and Cade had just played) where they PROMPTLY opened up the biggest can of whip-butt I have ever seen in a high school match! 'OBLITERATE' is the best word I can think of to describe what happened there! This 6-1 set took maybe 20 minutes! Coupled with the other 4 sets JSerra took here, for a 8-4 lead, the Eagle hadn't landed, it crashed. Check, but not checkmate! Round 3: Our singles players, Cole, Riley and Brady ALL won in about 20 minutes before the other doubles were done with round 2! Check mate! Allowing KOach to liberally substitute some doubles players into this epic and historic match! GAME - SET[s] - MATCH!!! Their class reunions are set! I've not had time to write this 'til now; banquet, incoming girls parent meeting, AND today, CIF individuals! Riley in singles and Brady/Cole in doubles. As champions of the Trinity League, they received byes before playing two full victorious matches and move to the next round. There were 5 sites from Ojai to Riverside / Claremont today with approximately 150 players in each draw. Now there are only TWENTY singles players and doubles teams left! JSerra has NEVER had one boy player compete in the round of '20'! Get used to it!!!! Go Lions!