Bellingham, WA — In a tense and emotionally charged District Semifinal, the Seahawks faced off against the #10 ranked Bellingham Bayhawks. The match, filled with skill and determination from both sides, ended in a heartbreaking 1-0 defeat for the Seahawks in overtime, despite holding the formidable Bayhawks to a 0-0 tie through regulation. The Seahawks delivered a stellar defensive performance, significantly improving from their previous encounter with Bellingham, where they had suffered a 5-1 loss. This time, both teams had equal opportunities to take the lead, with the Seahawks' Riley Walgamott nearly clinching the win with a shot that struck the crossbar just seven minutes before the end of regulation. Walgamott also created several scoring chances throughout the match, showcasing his high work rate up top. Wesley Bryant played a crucial role in defense, effectively shutting down Bellingham’s top scorer, Judah Straight, the conference's offensive player of the year. Jacob Weisz also stood out by containing Aidan McGuire, Bellingham’s key attacking midfielder. The backline, comprised of Cooper Barton, Owen Jacobson, Logan Baumgaertner, and Carlo Gegen, consistently disrupted Bellingham's attacks, while goalkeeper Ashton Gere made several critical saves to keep the game level at the end of regulation. Owen Foley's performance was particularly noteworthy; he excelled not only in creating chances with his precise passing but also in his defensive efforts. Flank players Wes Hunter, Jack Eckhardt, and Max Adams also contributed significantly, balancing their offensive roles with crucial defensive responsibilities against Bellingham's aggressively attacking wingbacks. Head Coach Brian Nelson reflected on the team's performance, stating, "Our boys showed tremendous heart and dedication. They played as one unit, fully embodying our team mantra 'One Body, One Beat!' This game, though a loss, highlighted the strength and spirit of our team. I'm incredibly proud of how they played today and throughout the playoffs." Unfortunately, this loss knocked the Seahawks out of the playoffs and brought their season to an end. Despite the outcome, the match was a testament to the Seahawks' resilience and tactical prowess, marking a significant achievement against a top-ranked opponent and potential state champion contender.