San Jacinto, CA — A walk-off single led Valor/Osso past Cali Raiders - 2.0 10-9 on Sunday. The game was tied at nine with Valor/Osso batting in the bottom of the fourth when Sophia G singled on a 3-0 count, scoring one run. A seven-run lead in the third inning was just enough for Valor/Osso to hold off Cali Raiders - 2.0 for the victory. Cali Raiders - 2.0 scored seven runs in the failed comeback on a error, a walk by Larijah T, a walk by Averie C, and a triple by Savannah O. In the first inning, Valor/Osso got their offense started. Sadie L doubled on a 1-0 count, scoring one run. After Cali Raiders - 2.0 scored two runs in the top of the second, Valor/Osso answered with two of their own. Cali Raiders - 2.0 scored when Larijah laid down a sacrifice bunt, scoring one run and Sophia N singled on a 1-0 count, scoring one run. Valor/Osso then answered when Jillian R doubled on a 0-1 count, scoring two runs. Sydney O was in the circle for Valor/Osso. The righty went four innings, allowing nine runs on five hits and striking out two. Jaycee H toed the rubber for Cali Raiders - 2.0. The pitcher surrendered ten runs on 11 hits over three innings, striking out one. Valor/Osso tallied 11 hits. Sydney, Sadie, and Sophia each managed multiple hits for Valor/Osso. Sydney went 3-for-3 at the plate to lead Valor/Osso in hits. Savannah led Cali Raiders - 2.0 with two hits in two at bats.