Good Morning Cheer Parents

Can all please send me pictures of competition and pictures that have been taken throughout the season so we can display to all our : 1st place winners as well as all the hard work and support our girls have given this season. Please text or email pictures and videos to :

(909) 241-4272
[email protected]

Also those who weren’t able to pick up there cheerleaders pictures or for those pictures that weren’t ready due to special orders, they are READY and will be available for pick up on Tuesday at Towngate Park from 6:00pm-7:00pm. For who aren’t able to make this day and time frame and/or don’t make special arrangements with me to pick them up , will then have to pick them in January during the banquet. If you have any questions , please get in contact with me .

Also after the holidays, I will be putting together a Fun Finale Day and Award Ceremony we’re my cheer daughters can get together one last time and have fun right before the banquet, so I will keep all posted about that event.

Have a Wonderful Day
Coach Koko