We are still in need of volunteers to help run our Hungry Husky snack bar tomorrow. Today I was saddened to hear we had to close our snack bar at the freshmen game due to lack of volunteers. That is not how our Huskies family does it. Please help us keep our snack bar open for the next few home games by volunteering. Each game brings in much need revenue into our snack bar to be able to provide our players with equipment, team meals, and banquets, etc. If we don't have volunteers, we can't open our snack bar. We are at the best football program in the nation. Our Huskies and coaches work extremely hard and do their thing on the field. We, as parents, need to do our part. I want to send a special thank you to those wonderful parents who always give their time so generously. We appreciate your much needed helping hands. Please call or text Angie Hoopii asap if you can volunter for tomorrow at (714) 906-7248.