Good Morning... Last week we has dismal attendance at Practice... and I cannot allow it to continue. WE have players going to tutoring and not returning till the end of practice... Monday we had 24 out of 70 players attend a practice... I made sure that I announced that we would be practicing on Labor day over a week in advance...
Beginning Today.... a missed practice will result in sitting out 1 quarter of playing time. I am a firm believer in Tutoring... but from now on... Players will dress for practice, come to practice field with football gear and then go to tutoring and must return to practice with a signed not from the teacher no later than 3:30 pm. School is let out at 2:18 pm... I will release players to tutoring from the practice field by 2:30 pm. If player does not return... that player will not play the 1st quarter of the next game. If a player misses 2 practices, that player will sit 1st and 2nd Quarter of the next game. If a player misses 3 practices... that player will sit the entire game which may result in loss of starting position.
If a player has a Dr appointment... Please contact me 24 hours prior appointment. If appointments can be made early... that would be great.... My contact information is on Blast!
We are also having some issues getting to the practice field on time... This too will STOP!
Our goal of Winning a Baseline League Championship is still in sight... and in order to do that... We ALL must be completely dedicated to the goal...