Hi all,
It's Alexia on Coach Esquibel's Blast again. I hope you all find yourselves having a beautiful morning! We are 6 days away from our banquet & I just wanted to do another update on the flow of things:

Our venue is all set & we have some awesome women getting some amazing decorations ready for the event. We've got some stuff going for our boys to remember the season. DJ Paul will be in the house again (whoop whooooooooop!!!!). And we have a pretty good list going of food people signed up to bring to the banquet.

Now on the topic of food:
I've been keeping a spreadsheet of what each family has volunteered to contribute. I have about 20 families signed up, which is already super awesome! If you'd like to sign up to contribute as well, copy and paste the link at the end of this message into your web browser, and then go ahead & add yourself to the list. Please remember, if you (for whatever the reason may be) are not able to bring anything, PLEASE STILL COME. We hope to see all 50 of our boys & their families at the banquet.

Now, for the topic everyone's mom is going to not like me for bringing up:
The girlfriend. The "girl"-"friend". La novia. "Just a friend". "That little girl he likes."
A few weeks before season ended, Coach Esquibel told the boys they are, indeed, allowed to bring "a little friend". I've gotten a few texts from some of the boys saying "My mom doesn't believe me" & I even had one parent text me to confirm it was true. Lol. Yes. The "friend" is welcome to come.

Dress Code for the Players:
We want to see these boys looking fresssshhhhh. We asked them to wear nice button down dress shirts & slacks. So when your son tries to leave the house with a KISS t-shirt & his ripped jeans with some vans, make him go back inside and change. (There will actually be an award for best-dressed. So dress to impress.)

Thanks for reading!
If you have any questions, text/call me @ 760-625-8151. I'll be busy all day tomorrow, but any other day this week should be a perfect time to contact me. Thank you!

~ Alexia Esquibel

Here's the link to my spreadsheet: