Dear Rugby Lions and families:
Our rescheduled service project for Spirit League is this coming Saturday May 25th.
We will be cooking hot dogs and hamburgers and serving special needs athletes and their families for the Spirit League Pack the Bleachers event.

Set up starts at 730AM and we will start cleaning up by about 3PM. You can work a couple hours or stay the whole day but I need as many of you as can make it. Please RSVP.

Please be at Oso Fields in Mission Viejo by 730AM. The fields are right by Newhart Middle School at La Paz/Veterans Way off Marguerite.

We will set up the food area by the back parking lot of Newhart Middle School; behind the portable classrooms. (see attached aerial with red arrow showing food spot)

This is our annual service project and I am asking you all to support this great event if you are not out of town. Please respond to this message

Thank you
Coach Louis