Wrestling in the off season and trying different styles will help you improve your wrestling regular season and get you familiar with different body positions...

Great resources for Freestyle Greco Rules and Procedures:

Rules are basically exactly the same as last year.

1. https://www.uswoa.com
This is the official site for the USA Wrestling Officials Associatiion. Here you will find all the info, new rulebook, etc.

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6oiVVnjS-k
Video for FS Scoring Basics

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BM_5ZIQtBWQ
Video for GR Scoring Basics.

4. https://cdn2.sportngin.com/attachments/document/0149/0982/FREESTYLE__GRECO_UWW_RULES_ABBR_2017.pdf?_ga=2.108996746.948675557.1552027995-1513596038.1552027995
This is a rules Cheat Sheet- I am providing a PDF as well. Note, rules are basically the exact same as 2018.