First and foremost I would like to thank all of the parents for the investment in their child and the support you show all of us coaches. The year got off to a rocky start on a win loss scale, but I believe the improvement from tryout one to now from each athlete has been incredible. It is fun for us coaches to see the kids build and grow together as a team.

Second, Congratulations DFA For those that were not at the last tournament we Qualified for the Best of The West tournament. This tournament will be Saturday, April 27 - Portola HS - 1001 Cadence, Irvine, CA 92618. We will be guaranteed 2 games then it turns into a win or go home framework.

Lastly, It is time to get that 3rd and final payment of $300 in. We appreciate and understand forking over another 300 can be a bit difficult but we hope you see the value in the practices most tournaments second. If you have any question on your remaining balance, please contact me (Coach Pope) either via email ( [email protected] or by cell (760)625-7580 with your name and athletes name).

One last thought I talked to some of you about possibly moving practice to Tuesday Wednesday for the weekday practices. The reason for this is I hate having to miss practice on Thursdays because of track and also have to attend a funeral on Thursday. If it is to much to switch I understand and the boys will be in great hands as always with Coach Dockery, Karls and Nick.

Thank you For being apart of the first year of DFA and riding out the bumpy roads along the way. I am very proud of the team and the improvements we have made as a team and as Individuals.

-Coach Pope