Happy Thursday, Parents!

First off, I apologize for all the confusion regarding our kalua pig fundraiser. I, nor the team moms, didn’t think to go into detail about the cost breakdown, which was a complete oversight on our end. To get everyone on the same page, I’m going to explain everything in detail, in hopes to address the various questions and concerns that have been brought to my attention.

Each kalua pig ticket is $10. Of each ticket sold, MoHS profits $6 while the company profits $4. I assumed everyone understood that the company will take some sort of cut, as with all other fundraisers we’ve recently participated in. This is where most of the confusion lies, as it was not clearly explained that MoHS would not be profiting the full $10 per ticket.

As I understand, many of you were planning on covering your player’s fee thru this fundraiser. A few weeks ago, on May 1st, I sent out the first message regarding this fundraiser. In that message I stated, “If choosing to utilize this fundraiser to cover the $300 player fee, each individual should anticipate selling at least (50) tickets.” The reason that was said was because 50 tickets x $6 each (MoHS profit per ticket) = $300 (player fee). A lot of you were under the impression that selling (30) tickets, totaling $300 (not factoring in the cut going back to the company) was enough to cover your player fee, which is incorrect. The $300 player fee will be pulled from your child’s $6 per ticket sold.

Once again, I apologize for the miscommunication and lack of initial information provided. Lesson learned and we’ll definitely do better with communication of fundraisers in the future.

Thank you for your time! Have a blessed rest of the day. Please let me know if you have any other concerns or if there’s any further clarification I might be able to provide.
