Aloha MoHS family!

As you know, our season opener is quickly approaching!  We are bringing back an old tradition of ours, to have team dinners the evening prior to game day.  It will be potluck style so please refer to the list below for food assignments.  Parents, please drop off your foods/drinks to the Cafeteria between 6:00-6:30p for team moms and team supporters to setup.  Players will shower up after practice and proceed directly to the Cafeteria to join their families.  Team dinners will begin promptly at 7p in the MoHS Cafeteria.  Although these team dinners are absolutely MANDATORY for players, it is optional for parents, siblings, and other family members to attend. However, I would love to have you and your family all there, as we continue to build relationships, strengthen camaraderie and create memories as a family.  This is for both JV and Varsity families together.

For those of you who have placed shirt orders, we will have them ready for pickup at the team dinner.  Please see a team mom Friday evening in the Cafeteria for further info.  

Thank you all so much.  Feel free to contact Team Mom Coordinator, Tammy Eselu @ #223-4482 with any questions.  The boys are working hard to prepare for Iolani!  Looking forward to a much anticipated matchup this weekend!  Let’s come out strong in support of our boys and BLUE OUT our home stadium!  
