6 Donations — $550.00 Total
6/12/2019  (Alumni)
Jose Rodas
6/02/2019  (Alumni)
Here you go sis, make us proud and remember to never give up.
Ravi Amarawansa
5/31/2019  (Alumni)
I will always remember how Coach Sandoval strove to make us the best that we can be. Thank you Coach! - Ravi, VHS (‘07)
Jocelyn Morales
5/31/2019  (Alumni)
This team was so special to me back in hs, wish you all the best with this fundraiser!
Syd and Susan Lamb
5/29/2019  (Alumni)
Good running Andrew......
Viviana Martinez
5/24/2019  (Alumni)
I love you! May God bless you always and hope you guys reach your goal! 💕