Hi Parents
We are almost nearing the end of the season but we are still in need of coverage these last few games

We will need
Pre game:

60 ham , cheese , turkey or chicken sandwiches(dry please to prevent sogginess) (Costco does have platters if you want to go that route ) *i will also make them but I would need cash or supply donation
55 bags of chips (non spicy )
60 Gatorades
60 go gurts

60 fruit (bananas, oranges or watermelon)
60 Gatorades in ice

Also we will be doing a meal for the boys on Wednesday October 30th after practice at the field. We will be setting up the food in the snack bar and will need a couple parents help passing out the meals I have put the link below to sign up (even if you have already told me please sign up through here https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050944aca82ea4fc1-endofthe

Thank you parents for everything you have done this year. The boys really appreciate it.

Go Titans !

Sarah Ortiz
Team liasion