$30.00 for the “Cheer Room” for the Arizona Trip is due today no later than 8pm . The Hotel Room will be booked tonight promptly at 8:30pm only for those who have paid for there spot. For those who pay after 8:00pm will be given the deadline of AUG. 29th at an upgraded fee of $45.00 for your athlete to participate.

Please turn in your Arizona funds to:
You Cheer AD Maylynna on the field.

Please start turning in your Carl’s Jr Funds. Everyone is responsible for the amount given. The final day to turn them in will be SEP. 3rd.

TODAY PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR ATHLETE IS IN THEIR, spirit pack, has a full bottle of water , and brings there Poms . Poms are Mandatory for every practice.

See all soon .
Coach Koko
(909) 241-4272