I sent this to your parents!! (see below). All of you will probably be playing football next year, but your pre-season or actual season is not going to be the same as usual or shorter. Just because you can't plan your other sports and your all at home, doesn't mean you can get stronger or faster. Get off of the computer and couch!!! Start running around the block. Pushups, situps, pullups....DO something or else the people who are will take your job next season!!!

Love you all!! Be careful and actually watch the video below. You guys won't get that sick from the COVID-19, but you can carry it to your parents, grandparents, and families! Take care...I am always here if you need anything at anytime!!! 760-272-7216.

Hey all, I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Rings were supposed to be done on the 29th, but due to the Covid-19 stuff, the factory has been shut done for two weeks. So, as soon as I can get an update, I will reach out. Still hoping to have a banquet before the high schoolers start pre-season and the upcoming 8th graders start prepping for their last chance at a National Title!!!

I am thinking about and praying for you all, especially the parents who cannot work from home and are still having to have contact with the public! Please be careful, the virus is not a joke and we are still not into the worst of it.

At work we have been sent many different videos and instructions, this one is about one of the best. It's a little long, but worth the watch. Make the kids watch too!!! In between their stay at home classes!!


Stay safe and hopefully this will pass soon and we can get together one last time!!! Chuck