Good Afternoon 10u Family!!!
I would like to congratulate EVERYONE for a successful week 1 (although we lost... 😩😩). All our athletes were accounted for! Everyone were on time (except Coach Rick - he seemed to have missed our messages... )🤣😂🤪. As we’re approaching Game/week 2 I wanted to send out a few reminders to be aware; moving forward to avoid any warning letters or fines. Please read these to your athletes too.

•No phone calls allowed on the sideline, unless contacting parent of an emergency

•Players CANNOT leave sideline to talk to parents/spectators at the gate

•Once players are checked in, he CANNOT leave the field

•After team check-in, players are NOT to put their bags on the sideline of the game in process

PARENTS, please observe good conduct from the bleachers! Let’s support and cheer on our athletes in a more positive and encouraging manners.

Also, we will need Spotters for the game. Big THANK YOU to Veronica, Josmar’s MöM for volunteering to Spot EVERY game (if she’s available). Please step up, volunteer and do your part. Otherwise, I will have to assign each family on a weekly/game basis. Again, this is a team effort. What and how much YOU put in is for the betterment of YOUR child and his team!

Lastly, ENJOY your day off (no practice)! We’ll see you all on Saturday at 9am!