Good Evening 10u MAVS parents!

The start of the season is quickly approaching and so is the deadline for participating in the fundraiser. If you attended the in-person registration to turn in your paperwork, you should have received a flyer describing the fundraiser. If you didn't, here is a little information. We're doing something new and exciting this year, a DICE ROLL! Tickets are $25 a piece (or a package of 5 tickets for $100), and every player is required to sell $100 worth. This must be completed by Friday, Aug 16th, which is our game jersey handout date. Jerseys won't be released to the player until the $100 in ticket sales has been met. Anyone can buy tickets, that means friends and relatives anywhere, they don't have to be local to win!

The Grand Prize Winner of the dice roll will receive $1000! We are also giving prizes for the top selling athlete ($250) and the top selling teams for both football and cheer (team party).

There is a link on the webpage with all the details and means to purchase the dice roll tickets. Each ticket will be assigned a unique number, and if the dice rolled match that number, you win!

We will be having the dice roll on Saturday, Sept 14th @6pm at LCC High School.

Please start sharing and selling those tickets so your player can receive their jersey on Aug 10th.

If you have any questions, please bring them to the parent's meeting tomorrow, July 29th at 5:30pm at Stagecoach Park, and I'll be happy to answer them for you!

Thank you again and looking forward to a great season!

Jen Starritt- Team Mom, LCCPW Board Member