Just a few things this morning...

First, thank you lord for this amazing family and for all your blessings you continue to pour into our lives. God is good ALL THE TIME!!

2. We are now in FULL PADS. Painted helmets can be picked up tonight with Ms. Lyn as long as your payments have been received.

3. THANK YOU to ALL of our coaches and team moms for all their hard work this past weekend and especially for donating everything for our fundraiser. A very special THANK YOU goes out to Coach Tanu's mom Aunty Losa who was there from the start of the preparation to the end of the fundraiser cooking, serving and cleaning. We are grateful for the love and support we received from all of you.

4. Although we were "SOLD OUT" this weekend, we did not meet our goal of 300 plates (10 tickets from 30 players). If you did not sell all 10 of your tickets, you will have a chance at another fundraiser this weekend. We are looking to do a water drive on the Las Vegas Strip this weekend for a few hours asking for monetary donations. If you did not participate in the plate sale or sell all of your tickets, your participation is mandatory otherwise you will need to make a payment to our Camp Treasurer for your $100 to cover our upcoming trip.

5. BLAST FUNDRAISER: Many of you have not completed your part of this fundraiser. Click on the yellow box "Invite Sponsors" and all we need you to do is invite (10) people either by phone number for a text or email so we can launch the fundraiser through the app. PLEASE GET THIS DONE ASAP!!!

Questions?! LMK