We are collecting Fall Donations for our ELMO Girls Soccer team!
Thank you to those who have already donated!!!

The requested Fall Donation is $325.

Our budget runs about $25,000 including expenses for:
Salaries (Coaches, Asst. Coaches & Trainers)
Uniforms (Socks, T-shirts, Etc.)/Spirit Wear
Uniforms (Replacement of old Jerseys/ Shorts)
Tournaments(Summer and Fall, all teams)/Summer League
Coach's Equipment/team balls
Tax Services
Bank Fees
Senior Night/Stadium/Gifts
Field Striping

Please send in donations to Coach Franco. We accept checks (please put player name, and 'Fall Donation' in the memo) and cash (please include a note with player name and 'Fall Donation').

If you'd like to use your Credit Card, contact Michele Smith ‭(714) 606-4223 with credit card info - please do not send information in text or email for security reasons.

We appreciate all donations! Some people are using a payment plan or giving what they can afford. If you are interested in doing so, please simply send in the amount you can donate ASAP with a note as to your payment plan.

Thank you!

Please call or text if you have any questions!
Amy McCormick