Hello All,
I have some great news for you all! We have got the water polo club Riverside Water Polo to come to our pool. That’s how we’ll be able to get in and stay in during the summer. Our start date will be this upcoming Tuesday June 30th. I’ll need to know who is absolutely committed to signing up by Saturday night because there’s unfortunately only going to be so much room (A lot of club players will be joining us). I wouldn’t want anyone to wait and miss out. I’ll be sending that list to coach Sara so she knows who’s from Mesa. Coach Sara will send me a link to post on Sunday where you’ll be able to sign up. You will need to purchase a USA water polo card through usawaterpolo.org You’ll only need to get the bronze card. When you purchase your card sign up under the club Riverside Water Polo club. I hope you all can make it looking forward to seeing everyone!
Audra Woods