- Monday: 30 min run + running drills + 3x10 push ups, 3x 1 min plank

- Tuesday: 15 mins warm up (2x 7 mins upbeat (could be done on the roads) with 3 mins jogging in between -no walking + 10 mins cool down + good stretching

- Wednesday: 30 mins very easy + stretching

- Thursday: 40 mins easy + 3 sets of lifting
Group 1: 3x10 globetrot squats with weight, 3x10 RDL
Group 2: 3x 8 DB (some weighted stuff at home) bench press, 3x10 elevated hip extension
Group 3: 3x8 each lateral lunges, 3x 10 each plank with shoulder touch.

Friday: 30-40 mins (hilly if possible) + stretching

Saturday: 30 mins easy + core of choice (4 mins nonstop) + 3x 10 push ups

Sunday: off