Good evening family,

The boys are scheduled to participate in a volunteer opportunity tomorrow for
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY- Building a home in Rio Vista

They will be meeting at the shop in Fairfield @7:30am and return at 2:00pm
ADDRESS: 5130 Fulton Dr., Fairfield CA 94534
(then heading to Rio Vista shop)

NEED A RIDE: I have room for 6 players. Those that would like to ride with me I can either pick them up in the morning or they can spend the night this evening after the team get together.

Glenn also coordinated another vehicle w/one of my interns to help get some of the players from the Fairfield location to Rio Vista and back.

Any/all parents are welcomed to join them!!!

If anyone has any questions feel free reach out to Glenn 530-933-0431.

Practice is tomorrow from 6:00-7:30pm