Moving forward, when a Millikan football player is traveling between home and school whether it be going to the school from home for practice or class, or leaving the school after practice or class, players are not allowed in ANY of the shopping centers around Millikan High School. All pick ups/drop offs must be in the Millikan Football stadium parking lot. If a player is taking the bus, they must go to the bus stop and wait there without stopping at any of the shopping centers. If a player is walking home, they must walk home without a stopping in any of the shopping centers. During the home/school travel window, a player may ONLY enter one of the shopping centers (including parking lots) with a parent/guardian. Shopping centers include: the Stater Bro's parking lot and all shops on that corner (McDonalds and Jack in the box included), the Rite Aid parking lot and all shops on that corner (Dollar tree included), the Bank of America parking lot and all shops on that corner (including John’s) and the BBQ Land parking lot and all shops on that corner. Any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Thanks