Hey Golden Bears,

I hope everyone is staying safe and well.

Recently I been having handful of athletes reach out with various questions regarding at home "athletic development".

So I figured everyone else has similar questions and concerns. So I spoke with Coach Garrett, and a handful of my fellow colleagues (Strength and Conditioning Coaches) and decided this is a perfect time to start the "Strength Talk" Q and A. (IG Dunamis_Strong_Academy)

The Strength Podcast is gor athletes who want to learn how to take their game to the next level (training, mindset, preparation etc..)

My Intent... help impact as many athletes as possible through the training process.

TVHS Football Specifically...

I wanted talk at home "Football Preparation" (Speed, Power, Strength and Conditioning, Recovery).

With the football season right around the corner I know every athlete wants to "well prepared".

Due to weight room scarcity, save for a few lucky individuals with "Olympic Home Gyms" we need to make sure we are supplementing the "right" exercises properly. There is still a LOT athletes can do without equipment.

Hence Why I been making and sending our various "at home" workout videos on both Strength/Power and Speed development. I encourage you all to get on top of it.

If You're an athlete, parent or coach with ANY questions regarding "athletic development "please I encourage you to reach out. (951-347-4090)Let's just say I have more available time on my hands.

I miss all of you guys and look forward to seeing you soon.

"Build the Human First, Then The Athlete"

P.S. I'll send you guys our the schedule for the "Strength Podcast" soon... we're doing it specially for athletes