Ok Bear Families, we had another change to our schedule. I have copied the email from our AD Anthony Califano telling us of the newest changes below.

Good morning,

I was just informed that the conditioning workouts scheduled to begin Monday, June 22 has been postponed to July 6.

On Monday this week, Riverside County health officials communicated to local superintendents, including Mr. Ritter, that we are not permitted to have any workouts on or off-campus according to state guidelines.

I hope with the July 6 date we will be able to move directly to phase 2 which allows for sport-specific activities.

We have all seen pictures of other programs across that state holding workouts and it will be difficult to refrain. We have to tow the line on these restrictions.

I'm very sorry to be the bearer of bad news, I hope July 6 will hold and we can get back to work.


So with that being said we will continue to do our weekly meetings as usual and please, please encourage your kids to continue eating correctly, work out and run. Coach Henry is posting weekly all the workouts they need to do so no excuses for the boys. Also we have just over 50% of us enrolled in the AOC class and it must be done by Sunday midnight. Lastly the spirit pack stores online are closing very soon here so please get your orders in so we may have in time for when we start and don't forget the soft helmets to be ordered.

Bert Esposito