Team 20

Yesterday I talked about milestones, well, believe it or not, today is another one. This day, this "Gameday" marks the last Friday of Summer 2020. You guessed it, school starts next week on Wednesday. That means this is my last "Gameday" message of the summer. You will hear from me on Monday and Tuesday of next week, and we will be finishing the AOC Program on those days as well. Then, it's on to bigger and better things.

I will continue to stay in touch throughout the school year, but you will not receive the daily message from me, as I've done over the past month. Summer Camp is over. Are you on your own now? Never! You are part of a Team of Parents, Coaches, Boosters and Teammates that are here to support you through this Fall semester of school. I'll talk more about school and the Elsinore Football expectations next week. But for, this final "Gameday" of Summer 2020..."Win Today"...then we can all sing loud and proud together...our Alma Mater.

Hail to our High School
We pledge to thee
Red for our courage
White for truth and loyalty
Sportsmanship and honor
Always is our rule
Here's to the school we love
Elsinore High School

Go Tigers!