Please check the list below for days and times that players will report for practices in November. Check carefully as some players will practice on new days and all practice must start at 4 PM due to daylight limitations. Special Dates in November: -The Monday/Wednesday Group WILL NOT PRACTICE ON NOVEMBER 11 (Veteran's Day) but WILL PRACTICE ON FRIDAY NOVEMBER 13. -During the week of Thanksgiving break, WE WILL PRACTICE ON NOVEMBER 23 and 24. WE WILL NOT HAVE PRACTICE ON NOVEMBER 25 and 26. Players will continue to practice 2 days per week (due to player/coach group size restrictions). Practice times will increase to about 2 hours (4-6 PM), so bring larger containers of water. We will begin to teach weight lifting as well as offensive and defensive schemes to our players. All players will need: -SWAY medical COVID screening complete BEFORE arriving (can start at 10AM) -athletic shoes AND cleats -their own water -black shorts -red or white shirt -mask -gloves (optional for protection and handling the football). -black long sleeves (optional for cold weather) Please drop off and pick up athletes in the Canyon Drive parking lot (football and baseball stadium lot under the solar panels).