Our first workout together has been moved to Thursday, February 4th beginning at 2:30 PM. Before we return to practice you and your parents should complete the Return to Practice form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfy2-3Wo-qp9or8zCLiFyQqoDMD3UAJYUD35pgbhJoI16n5aA/viewform You should all have your daily entry ticket completed a few minutes before you arrive at each of our practice days. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmHIYc_iVXRO1wuLStf2WHQLYeb2GTeY_zg_LmmtRJWP8HLQ/viewform. Everyone should be wearing at least one mask (two is better) and should bring their own water. We will practice social distancing the entire workout. There are 3 current groups and each group should arrive at their time no more than a couple minutes early and not late. If you are late you may be sent home. Group 1 arrives at 2:15 PM 1. Nick Sifuentes 2. Jay Gonzalez 3. Andrew Bongo 4. Samuel Lizardo 5. JP Santoyo 6. Josh Galtman 7. Ryan Salvatore Group 2 arrives at 2:20 PM 1. Raymond Cobian 2. Jamaal Saldin 3. Corson Scherer 4. Brian Gonzalez 5. Anthony Posada 6. Adam Godoy Group 3 arrives at 2:25 PM 1. Daniel Martinez 2. Q Firestone 3. Hank Kapoh 4. Marc Paredes 5. Andrew Urrutia 6. Jeremiah Delgado It's very important that we pay attention to details so that we can be safe and have a great practice, but also because that's what great teams do. See you on Zoom tonight and I'll see the boys in person on Thursday, Coach Al Cuevas